Montessori Children's House

Preschool in Miami, FL 33186

Montessori Childrens Houses toddler teachers are nurturing and patient.
The preschool teachers are talented and competent in their interactions and lessons with the children.
The early childhood rooms are impressive in design function and curriculum materials. It seems that they have everything that is needed and more to meet the needs of the children who attend these classes.
There is a contented and happy atmosphere in the classrooms. The children work together happily in this very special environment.
All standards are met in a highly functioning way.
Leadership is important in the development of an exemplary school. Melanie Samuelson the Director of Montessori Childrens House is to be commended for her devotion and hard work to bring this school to the level of excellence that is apparent.
The professional staff of the school and the parents who support and work closely for the childrens education have resulted in the well-functioning school that exists as Montessori Childrens House.
Montessori Childrens House is well-respected in the Montessori school community of Miami.
The American Montessori Society supports the excellent program at Montessori Childrens House.
Additional Services:
Full Day Half Day Before School After School

Montessori Childrens House is committed to providing a nurturing environment for your child to receive a quality education. Our school strives to provide your child with a solid foundation for his or her future learning potential. Our reputable program provides each and every child with a challenging self-rewarding environment enabling our students to further develop their physical academic and social inherent skills. Every child is afforded the opportunity to realize develop and achieve his or her own special abilities leading toward a solid foundation for his or her future learning potential and successful accomplishments.

Child Ages:
1.5 years - 6 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Florida Department of Children and Families
Hours of Operation:
Monday_Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...

Montessori Children’s House utilizes the Montessori Method of education and Montessori materials developed by Dr. Maria Montessori.

Dr. Montessori believed that children learn best by doing not by passively accepting other people’s ideas and pre-existing knowledge. Believing that the young child had more potential than educators realized she began to develop this potential by teaching the young child through his natural interest in exploring the world. Her developmentally appropriate approach was designed to individually accommodate each child’s unique abilities. She devoted her life to the education of children. Her teaching techniques are presently used in public and private school classrooms all over the world.

The goal of a Montessori education is to help children become responsible self-motivated learners competent in all areas of life. The Montessori method recognizes “sensitive periods” in a child – especially three to six year olds – when he can absorb information from an enriched hands on environment provided to him. There is a “sensitive period” for all the things a child must learn to become a functioning adult – for learning new words for counting for using a pencil for an appreciation of order and more. The Montessori classroom encourages this natural appetite of the child by offering age-appropriate materials to satisfy his intense desire for knowledge. A child who acquires the basic skills of reading and mathematics in this natural way has the advantage of beginning his education without pressure boredom or discouragement. By pursuing his or her individual interests in a Montessori classroom at an early age he gains an early enthusiasm for learning which is the key to becoming a truly educated person. The teacher works toward developing the child’s sense of order concentration and coordination.

The Montessori environment promotes self-esteem encourages fundamental motivation spontaneous activity and self-education. A Montessori education teaches a child respect for oneself others and the environment. The Montessori method allows each child the ability to obtain a good self-image enabling him to feel secure independent and self-confident. The fundamental motivation of a Montessori education is to guide the child to grow in knowledge and strength as a whole person and thus gain the practical skills and insight into initiating his success in his future life.


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