San Mateo Parent's Nursery School

Preschool in San Mateo, CA 94402

1732 Mt. Diablo
San Mateo, CA 94402
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San Mateo Parents Nursery School is a diverse community dedicated to fostering the learning and growth of children and adults. We are a non-profit, co-operative school, owned and operated by its members. Our goal is to create a loving, suppportive, empowering environment for children and their families.

We’ve been nurturing children and parents since 1947. SMPNS does not discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, cultural background, religion, ethnic origin or physical ability. We invite you to visit our remarkable school!

Licenses & Accreditations:
California Department of Social Services: Community Care Licensing Division
Hours of Operation:
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

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SMPNS is a cooperative nursery school that has developed its curriculum specifically around a learning through play philosophy. Children are respected for themselves and are free to make choices within the program. The school provides opportunities for safe, interesting and challenging play with other children. Through such play, in surroundings arranged for their best interests, young children develop socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. The nursery school ensures warmth and security while giving children stimulating new experiences and provides a comfortable bridge from home to the larger world outside.

Our nursery school fosters the growth and learning of children and parents. Individuals have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of themselves and others. Within the nursery school, the adults are responsible for maintaining an orderly and safe environment. Supervision in the nursery school is related to learning. Limits are set in a gentle but firm way, so children may grow and develop inner control. Our school was developed so that parents could share in the childs first steps outside their home. As children grow in independence and gain knowledge of themselves and others in the world about them, the parents and staff are there to help. As parents observe and work with the children, they find their own understanding and knowledge of young children increases. Consequently, their effectiveness as parents increases.


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