Weekday Nursery

Preschool in South Orange, NJ 07079

Through a wide variety of curriculum areas, we hope to bring many experiences and talents into the child’s life to help the whole child grow and develop at his/her own pace. Weaknesses can become strengths, and confidence builds in this respectful, exploratory classroom. We hope to challenge and foster independence in our students.

Specific curriculum areas include, but are not limited to:
tinysunflower.jpgSocial Studies – For many children, this is the first time they experience separation from parents. They will begin sharing, waiting turns, making choices, exploring the neighborhood and community.

tinysunflower.jpg Language Arts – We work to develop important pre-reading skills such as phonics, sequencing, visual discrimination, storytelling, listening skills, letter recognition, conversation skills, writing stories, as well as reading all kinds of books.

tinysunflower.jpgScience – Students are encouraged to explore first hand the world around them with experiments, cooking, and learning about animals, plants, weather, insects.

tinysunflower.jpgMath – Children develop mathematical skills with sequencing, sorting and grouping, patterns, one to one correspondence, seriation, part/whole relationships, calendar.

tinysunflower.jpgFine Motor Skills – This includes coloring, handwriting, cutting, pasting, stringing beads, building, playdough, manipulating small objects.

tinysunflower.jpgGross Motor Skills – This includes riding tricycles, ball skills, running, jumping, using a parachute, and participating in group games in the large indoor gym. No outdoor space is available.

tinysunflower.jpgArt – Preschool children engaged in art activities develop fine motor coordination, awareness of shape, color and size, as well as self expression and emotional outlets.

tinysunflower.jpgMusic – The children sing, recite poems, play instruments at circle time and in their weekly sessions with music teacher Melissa Loree, to use their imaginations, improve coordination, appreciate rhythms and melodies.

Child Ages:
2.5 years - 6 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday 9:00 - 11:30 am

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...

Our philosophy is based on the research that young children learn and develop best when they are actively involved in a loving and safe environment. Children are given opportunities to learn about and experience new things. It is important that they feel valued, and that the classroom is set up in such a way that is child-oriented, rather than teacher-oriented. We feel strongly that the best and most lasting way a child can learn about the world is through a hands-on approach.

We strive to awaken each child’s curiosities and establish attitudes and concepts that will form a foundation upon which to build life. Weekday Nursery School, an outreach of the First Presbyterian & Trinity Church for over 50 years, is a non-sectarian program that welcomes children of all backgrounds.

For the families:

We are a co-operative nursery school, with parents assisting as aides on a rotating basis. Approximately once a month, a parent from each family assists with activities in the classroom, as well as providing healthy snacks. We also provide the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with other families.


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