Araoye I. offers Chemistry Lessons, Geometry Lessons, Reading Lessons, E...

Tutor in Middletown, NY 10941

Middletown, NY 10941


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Price starts at: $40

Subjects: Chemistry Lessons, Geometry Lessons, Reading Lessons, English Lessons, and Elementary Math Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 40 miles of Middletown, NY 10941

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 5 of 5 (8 ratings total)

Math aptitude for all ages.

I have always enjoyed math and solving problems. Many students get lost in the language of math. They often see formulas but not what is needed to make them work. I have had extensive experience during my college days at the tutoring center and beyond in tutoring students in different areas of math.

My approach is interactive since it is important for the student to see what he or she knows and how one can build on that knowledge. I ask my students questions to help them recall useful conc…

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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