Fernanda R.

Babysitter in New York, NY 10121

New York, NY 10121

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Hello, I am a student, I come from Colombia, I have had the opportunity to take care of children in kindergartens, from 0 to 3 years old, for 2 consecutive years, and in the last year I have had the opportunity to take care of my little cousin who is also 2 years old, I like taking care of small children because I can teach them new things, new games, and seeing their surprised faces is incredible. I am a very family-oriented and very loving person. I like to provide a home environment and be very careful with everything that a child entails. taking care of a baby or a small child, I like to use creativity, I like to respect the tastes of each child, and let them dream of being what they want to be.

Rate: $18/hour – $23/hour

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 5 years
Years of Experience:
3 years
CPR Certified:
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