Center in Belleville, IL 62223
7645 Magna Dr
Belleville, IL 62223
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We believe the child is born with an innate ability to seek knowledge and understanding about the world around it. The child is born with natural curiosities that drive exploration which leads to learning. Adults dont have to tell infants to put everything in their mouths, or force a Pre-School child to test the boundaries of gravity by jumping off the playground equipment. Children naturally wonder about the world around them. They take actions to explore and discover through the five senses. As they gather new knowledge to add to their schemas, they participate in a continuous cycle of assimilation and accommodation. The result is the construction of meaning through the interaction between the child and its environment.
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We believe there are four aspects to a childs growth and development: Cognitive development, Social development, Emotional development, and Physical development. These four areas make up the whole child. Our primary goal at StoneyBrooke Academy is the education of the whole child through developmentally appropriate curriculum, activities, and programs.