Center in Corpus Christi, TX 78412
901 Meadowbrook
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
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Along with other Corpus Christi Independent School District campuses, at Meadowbrook we are promoting student achievement through the implementation of a rigorous curriculum detailing exactly what students are supposed to know and be able to demonstrate at the end of each course of study or grade level.
Meadowbrook is also committed to the 3-R Discipline Program. The 3-R Program incorporates three basic beliefs: 1) All students and adults will follow the discipline rules; 2) All students and adults will assume responsibility for making campuses safe, secure, and drug-free environments; and 3) All students and adults will show respect for self and others.
Goal 1: Enhance academic progress for all students.
Goal 2: Ensure students graduate prepared for success in post-secondary education.
Goal 3: Develop a culture of “innovation with evidence” resulting in high quality academic choices for students and families.
Goal 4: Establish a strong and sustainable leadership structure.
Goal 5: Continually improve efficiency and effectiveness of district operations.
Goal 6: Enhance opportunities for parents and communityto engage as partners in education.
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