Center in Culpeper, VA 22701
Our mission is to provide a developmentally appropriate environment in which to nurture our children. As a state licensed facility, we strive to meet the
standards written in regulations and provide a safe, healthy environment in which our children can grow physically, socially emotionally and cognitively.
Culpeper County Child Care is operated under the umbrella of Culpeper Human Services as a fully licensed child care center that offers affordable child care while also providing a safe and enriching environment. Before and After School programs are now offered at six elementary school sites in Culpeper and preschool programs are offered on site at Galbreath Marshall Center in Culpeper.
We are dedicated to providing quality care that meets individual needs of children by planning environments and activities that considers the social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of each developmental stage.
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Our philosophy is for our children to be happy, healthy, and safe while in our care. The children will enjoy age appropriate activities such as painting,
water play, sand play, music, stories, athletics and other hands-on activities.