Center in Goleta, CA 93117
El Camino’s mission is to provide a safe, motivating, challenging and nurturing environment for all students. Research-based and standards-aligned academic instruction is designed to enable students to think creatively, problem-solve and communicate effectively as literate and reflective individuals. We provide a productive environment in which all students have equal access to learning.
Social and environmental responsibility is developed through cooperation, respect, compassion and individual accountability. Diversity is embraced and acceptance is practiced throughout the school, family and neighborhood communities. Our goal is to create positive relationships among students, staff, families and community members in which children have equal opportunities for success.
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Our hope is to be a significant source of support for each family while providing a caring learning environment for each child. The goals of the program strongly reflect an abiding sense of respect for children, their unique cultures, and individual development.
The classroom environment offers a rich variety of space, material and activities organized to promote children’s active exploration and mastery.