Center in Louisiana, MO 63353
The Twin Pike Family YMCA 21stCCLC Before and After School programs are providing extended school hours at all of our Pike County sites. The sites include BONCL, Clopton, Louisiana, Frankford, and Bowling Green.
We would like to remind all parents that you can enroll your child any time. We have three (3) months to go in the current school year. The BONCL, Clopton, and Louisiana sites offer programs 1 hour before school and 2 hours afterwards. Transportation home is also provided, if needed. The programs at Frankford and Bowling Green are offered for three (3) hours after school only (no a.m. program) and no transportation is provided.
We would also like to provide some preliminary information about summer programs. We understand that Bowling Green, Frankford, and Louisiana are planning to offer summer school. We will, therefore, offer extended hours for those sites. Clopton will not have summer school and our tentative plan is to provide a three (3) week summer session at that site. BONCL will not have summer school but BONCLs students are invited to attend any of our programs at other sites. Please keep in mind that all summer programs are unofficial at this time and completely subject to changes each district might make about summer school. We will provide pre-registrations at each school possibly as soon as early April. These pre-registrations will provide specific information. We will also provide details in the paper as we confirm dates, etc.
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