Center in Portsmouth, VA 23701
Portsmouth Catholic Regional School exists as a part of the Church’s educational mission to provide quality Catholic education, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and to foster the growth of Christian values through the home, school, parish and community. This mission promotes the development of the whole child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and physical, from Pre-K through Eighth Grade. We believe that each person has a right to develop his or her unique gifts in an educational center which recognizes the innate dignity and diversity of all persons in Christ.
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Portsmouth Catholic is a regional school under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Schools for the Catholic Diocese of Richmond. Our supporting parishes are: St. Marys Bowers Hill, Church of St. Therese, Church of the Resurrection, Holy Angels, St. Pauls and St. Mary of the Presentation.
The philosophy of Portsmouth Catholic Regional School is to assist parents in the faith formation and development of their children by:
Providing a diversified educational program, which recognizes and values the uniqueness of our students and strives for academic excellence. The teachings of Catholic doctrine and the integration of faith into everyday life are the core of our curriculum.
Creating a strong Christian community among students, parents and staff, where children are nurtured and challenged to achieve their full potential in the faith community.
Encouraging the students and parents to become involved in the liturgies, sacraments, activities, and service projects offered by our parishes and school who serve our community locally and globally.
These values, nurtured by a staff dedicated to teach as Jesus did, encourage our students to respond personally to the call, challenges, and commitment of the Christian way of life in the world today and in the future.