Center in Sarasota, FL 34240
A Step Above Childcare is dedicated to researching
and providing the latest in services and educational based programs that benefit children.
Programs are designed for parents to stay well informed as to their child’s growth and development through parental meetings information packets parent pages weekly and monthly newsletters and individual child observation assessments.
Monthly themes provide a framework to foster
a desire to learn. In addition to being hands on
A Step Above Childcare Preschool curriculum is developmentally appropriate.
Activities are geared to the overall developmental level
of the children in each class as well as to the individual child’s learning styles and abilities.
Additional Services:
Full Day Half Day Drop In After School Infant Care Food Served
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To provide children with the skills necessary to excel
in life. Our philosophy is based on the traditional values of family friends and self worth.
Recognizing the importance of each child’s interests
is a part of the daily curriculum. Teaching children
in a creative environment allows children to discover
a world on their own giving them the pleasure of
self-worth with an “I can do it!” attitude and enhancing their learning abilities