Center in Springville, NY 14141
Currently the Preschool Learning Center (PLC) serves approximately 115 children in a center-based program and it also provides therapeutic and special education services for 50 children in their homes or in other community-based settings. The children we serve have a variety of conditions including speech or language impairment autism mental retardation orthopedic impairment (cerebral palsy spina bifida and spinal muscular atrophy) multiple disabilities other health impairment such as severe cardiac issues and childhood cancer emotional disturbance learning disability traumatic brain injury visual impairment and hearing impairment.
girl receiving PT servicesWe are driven by the fundamental belief that all children can learn. As such we are compelled and obligated to provide a learning environment that stimulates the child’s interest in learning and maximizes educational gains. Further we are an organization that was built by families who had children with special needs. Many of our current staff have special family members of their own and as such we pride ourselves on our focus on families and sensitivity to the unique challenges young families face when they learn that their child has a special need.
To become a member of the League for the Handicapped please file out the Membership Application(pdf) and return it to the Preschool. This facility is authorized to administer medications
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