Kino Learning Center

Center in Tucson, AZ 85718

6625 North First Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85718
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Maybe the most important part of our philosophy is the self-evident fact that each child is a unique individual, with his or her own history, strengths, and needs. You cant run a school based on a prearranged set of uniform policies and, at the same time, say that children are unique.

Instead, our philosophy is a set of basic beliefs that acts as a compass to guide our daily practice. It is a starting point. At Kino, we have expressed these basic beliefs in our Convictions and Assumptions about students, learning, and schooling.

Another important idea (maybe this is the most important one) is that teaching should be based on what is best for the child. *

Just as doctors have a precept to do no harm, teachers should have as a fundamental principle a kind of Hippocratic oath for teachers that they try to do the right thing for that kid that specific, real person they are teaching at that moment.

That being said, we also believe:

  • Individual students should expect to be stimulated, to learn to use the knowledge they gain, to think creatively and critically, just to think!
  • They should learn what they are good at, what they love to do, and what they find fascinating.
  • They should begin to see not only how and where they fit in, but that they fit in to a larger community and that it needs them. They should expect to become active citizens in a democracy.


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