Preschool in Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Little Lamb Nursery & Kindergarten exists to give parents a Christian alternative for their child’s earliest learning programs. Our staff want to help the children to grow in their friendship with Jesus nurture their love for Him and others teach them to think and explore question to help them be life-long learners and empower them to reach their full potential.
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At Little Lamb Nursery & Kindergarten we seek to develop an atmosphere where learning happens naturally and is not forced on children. We believe that optimal learning takes place when children are actively involved and engaged in meaningful and fun activities. Our teachers and staff are coaches more than instructors. You have heard that old saying: “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.” We are all pretty much that way aren’t we? Don’t force me I’ll dig in my heels! Give me a spark of an idea and I’ll build a fire. We build our program on a child’s natural curiosity about their world.
We believe that true education develops the spiritual mental and physical powers of each student; preparing them to live a meaningful life of joy and fulfillment on this Earth and also for the higher joy of life in Heaven.
For this reason we begin each day with a devotional time where we teach Bible stories and character building stories that have been screened to make sure that they are appropriate for our young students. We want to help families develop character in their children. Children reflect our values. They develop honesty because we teach them to value honesty. We seek to teach our Little Lamb students to live by the Golden Rule and truly treat other people the way they themselves would like to be treated. We believe that this makes a big difference that can be felt when you step through our doors. Come and visit us and see if you agree!