Preschool in Baltimore, MD 21215
Our mission at About AllAboutChildrenLearningDaycareCenter is to provide a quality childcare experience that helps your child develop physically, socially, and emotionally.
About All-About-Children-Learning-Daycare-Center :
Hello. My name is Muriel. I am the Director of All-About-Children-Learning-Daycare-Center. We have been caring for and edicatomg children for over five years. We believe that each child is a unique individual. Children are allowed to learn and grow at his or her own pace. We encourage individuality and forcus on a child’s social, emotional, interlectual, and physical needs.Our classrooms are safe, clean, healthy and arranged to offer challanging play allowing children the opportunity to explore, to experience and to succeed. Our teachers have met the qualifications set forth by the State of Maryland. Each teacher has competed CPR and first aid and recieves ongoing child development training throughout the year. Our center is in partnership with the Maryland State nutrition program and assistant. our own.
Our Teachers :
All-About-Children-Learning-Daycare-Center Teachers are Maryland State Certified in Child Development and CPR.
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I believe that all children deserve love, attention, and nurturing. I believe that a safe environment allows children to explore and grow. At All-About-Children-Learning-Daycare-Center, we allow children to have hands-on learning experiences. This fosters age appropriate development. We read to the children everyday. We believe that positive reinforcement is important for children to develop self-esteem. Children need an environment that supports free expression and stimulates learning. Most importantly, however, I believe that children need to have fun! At All-About-Children-Daycare-Center, we often have ice cream parties, movie days, and play lots of exciting games. Children learn best from experiencing the world around them. All-About-Children-Daycare-Center offers many field trips during the year and we encourage parents to attend.