Preschool in Baltimore, MD 21212
The Infant and Toddler environment is designed to match their way of learning and allow them to influence the process. We understand that infants and toddlers learn best in an interactive environment and that they have preferences and need opportunities for participation that build on their individual interests. Our areas are designed to foster those opportunities. The infant and Toddler classroom at Tomorrows Child is wonderful learning place for the very young.
The Pre-School Program is a comprehensive year round program that is designed to address the childs physical, social, cognitive and emotional development. The dynamic curriculum is packed with developmentally, culturally and linguistically relevant activities that encourage imaginative play, creative thinking, gross and fine motor skills. Areas of emphasis include math, science, language and art. The Pre-K teacher is trained in providing experiences that promote fun and great success.
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We at Tomorrows Child believe that all children thrive in an environment that provides a variety of engaging experiences that challenge the mind and foster success.
The Tomorrows Child Infant and Child Development Center community maintains high expectations for all children. We recognize children for their individual abilities and gifts, and assist them in achieving their highest potential.
Our unique program offers: