Preschool in Baraga, MI 49908
211 Pennock Avenue
Baraga, MI 49908
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B-H-K Child Development Office
Founded in 1974 to operate federal Head Start BHK Child Development has grown to include a wide variety of services for children and families. Head Start preschool and childcare are still the agencys cornerstone programs but BHK also offers adult education and family literacy services support for pregnant mothers family wellness activities an AmeriCorps national service program after-school and summer learning programs for public school children and much more.
Residents of Baraga Houghton and Keweenaw counties may take part in BHK programs. Some programs have income guidelines but many programs and services are open to families regardless of income levels so all families are encouraged to call to learn more. Some services take place in centers while others are offered through home visits. In collaboration with local schools churches and communities BHK operates programs at nearly 30 locations around the Copper Country. Children with special needs receive priority placement in many programs.
BHK is a private non-profit agency organized under Section 501c3 of the IRS code. The Agency’s mission is “To strengthen and empower children and families through comprehensive innovative and appropriate services that respond to socio-economic and individual needs to create opportunities for success. Children are our work our hope.”
Two governing bodies oversee agency operations. The BHK Child Development Board is comprised of commissioners from all three counties as well as parents school administrators and other community leaders. The BHK Parent Council is made up elected parent representatives from across the three-county service area. The BHK Board generally handles financial matters while the Executive Parent Council oversees programmatic and personnel matters. At least one member from each group serves on the other group as well which promotes the sharing of information.
Agency teachers are highly qualified in early childhood education. Teachers and assistant teachers hold degrees in early childhood education child development elementary education and other specialties as well as other early childhood credentials. Teaching staff also take part in training sessions throughout the year to stay current with best practices in child development. Teachers are carefully screened and are encouraged to take part in continuing early childhood education.
Agency administrators work hard to operate high-quality innovative and effective programs that result in positive outcomes for children and families. Administrators include Executive Director Rod Liimatainen the longest serving Head Start director in the state of Michigan; Administrator Ray Tiberg a retired school superintendent; Education Coordinator Cheryl LaRose who has a masters degree in Early Childhood Education; Health Director Teresa Frankovich M.D. a pediatrician with a masters degree in public health; and numerous other highly qualified staff.
Safe licensed facilities across the three-county area are a key component of BHKs focus on quality early childhood education. Facilities feature areas for group and individual activities meals play and rest time. BHK centers are fully licensed by the State of Michigan and are regularly monitored to ensure they provide a high-quality safe learning environment.
BHK programs are funded in part by the federal Department of Health and Human Services Education and Agriculture and Michigan’s departments of Education and Human Services.
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