Preschool in Bellevue, WA 98004
“Educare” is educational childcare which is provided in a home away from home atmosphere that provides a well-rounded educational and developmental program for your child. While your child is in our care, their activities are planned to provide comprehensive learning, positive experiences, self esteem building, socialization, and preschool instruction for children of appropriate age and development. We also do our very best to provide these important elements through planning their activities to include the mandatory element for a young child which is just plain fun.
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We believe that young children must have high self-esteem in order to reach their potential growth. In order for a child to develop high self-esteem, we focus developing the socialization and self-help skills needed to succeed in other areas of development. All children at Brown Bear Educare are given the opportunity to explore, experiment and create in a safe and nurturing environment.