Preschool in Boca Raton, FL 33428
At Pinitos we try to make the choice a bit easier for busy moms. Our overall philosophy is based on the premise that children learn best within a social environment that supports each individual’s unique development. Pinitos Learning Center offers a home-like atmosphere filled with age-appropriate material. These surroundings provide new experiences that contribute to the growth of a loving child who is confident self-motivated and independent.
Preschool is your little one’s first exposure to learning. It’s our priority to make that a fun and truly educational experience!
Additional Services: Full Day Before School After School Infant Care Food Served
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We offer a comprehensive curriculum that encourages a child’s natural curiosity for learning. Our classrooms offer both traditional and hands-on learning experiences to help your child find the perfect balance between group play and individual learning. Each child moves at their own unique pace while they are encouraged to explore basic skills in:
Reading Readiness/Writing (learning the alphabet listening to stories enriching language skills)
Math Concepts (sorting matching patterns time sequencing)
Science (exploring discovering observation weather planting cooking)
Language (memory observation of details following direction auditory and visual differences/similarities)
Social Studies (exploration community routines stories music)
Art and Music (creating experimenting expressing emotion self-expression fine motor coordination)
Dramatic Play (imagination imitation reflection self-expression experimentation)
Our primary goal is to stimulate your child’s natural curiosity expand their love for learning and guide them in their personal growth.