Preschool in Boonsboro, MD 21713
The Growing Tree is a private preschool program for ages 2-5
that is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Conveniently located on Rt. 68, 18311 Lappans Rd. Boonsboro MD
at St. Marks Episcopal Church.
he Growing Tree provides experiences that will meet
the following goals or objectives:
an eagerness to face new experiences
Provide many opportunities for learning and strengthening basic skills
important to development of the whole child according to his/her needs
Provide a creative learning environment
Encourage parent involvement in the child’s learning
Help the child to acquire factual information, and develop the capacity
to conceptualize.
Help child to find pleasure in the process as well as in the product.
Develop the desire to try, the courage to fail, and the persistance to
continue their effort.
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We believe that early childhood education is a crucial period in the cumulative
development of the child. It is in these early years that the child is
most eager and receptive to learning experiences.
We believe that childhood should be preserved, not just enriched.
This is an important responsibility for all of us. Listening to our children and
hearing what they have to say about their interests
is the key to effective teaching.
We provide an appropriate balance of structure and self initiated activities.