Preschool in Boyds, MD 20841
12417 Deoudes Road
Boyds, MD 20841
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If you are looking for a high-quality childcare center, you have come to the right place. Global Childrens Center is a privately owned early childhood company offering various programs through out Montgomery County Maryland
Our goal when we opened our first center in 1995 and our goal today is to provide the very best care and education for children. From the layout of the centers to the professional, well-trained staff, you will find that health, education and love are all part of each child’s day at Global Childrens Center.
Choosing the right program is one of the most important decisions that you will make for your child. We hope you will spend time visiting our website and getting to know us. We also invite you to drop by for a tour of our facility. We will do all we can to answer your questions and share information that will help you select the best program for your child.
Want more information?
Global Children’s Center was founded on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner’s theory states that all students come to the classroom with different skill levels and sets of developed intelligences. Therefore, each child will have his own unique set of strengths and weaknesses or unique learning style. When students are properly assessed, teachers must get an accurate overview of their strengths and weaknesses, which will allow teachers to better present the information being taught. Howard Gardner’s theory claims that a better approach to assessment is to allow students to explain the material in their own ways using the different intelligences. Based on his theory we believe that each child is unique and our teacher will take each child’s strength and weakness and guide them in a positive manner.
Our ultimate goal at Global Children’s Center is to provide an environment that is filled with social, fun activities, cool Kids’ Zones, quiet homework zone, and exciting field trips for all of our students.
Moreover, the center offers a safe, clean and high-quality environment to play, learn, build self-esteem and develop social skills. Lastly, at Global Children’s Center, the play and learning activities are designed to reinforce Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and respect for the whole child.
We are a locally owned and operated corporation designed and committed to provide a cutting-edge program where we put emphasis on quality education and expressing creativity through play. Remember our motto at Global Children’s Center is “Where Children Learn through Play!”