Preschool in Brighton, MI 48114
Each child is made in God’s image a work of art by God Himself. We take our responsibility very seriously and we will work to provide the optimal environment for maximum growth and development. We recognize that our students must engage in various activities to encourage development physically socially emotionally intellectually and spiritually. Therefore our program is structured as a balance between play-based and academic-based philosophies.
We know that children learn through play — play is children’s work! We do not incorporate play into our schedule to pass time or take a break but rather we see play time (whether student-directed or teacher-directed) as learning time. Students understand their world develop large motor and small motor skills and grow socially through play.
We also know that the demands of later schooling require that students be prepared for Kindergarten. Therefore our program includes time for early literacy writing pre-math and science exploration. Our topics in each area will connect with and be taught through themes.
Cornerstone Preschool is a ministry of Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Our students will be taught that Jesus loves them and that they can have a relationship with Him. They will also be taught stories from God’s Word and we will always have prayer as part of our day.
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