Preschool in Camarillo, CA 93012
Our goal is to provide the opportunity for the natural unfolding of the mind, personality, and capacity of the child. Individual attention is the keynote. We believe that children should develop a love of learning and that the curriculum should be hands-on and presented in a way that makes learning fun. Materials in the classroom should be exciting and given meticulous thought in the preparation for their purpose and academic value. A developmental learning program is one in which the curriculum is geared to the age appropriateness of the child as well as to their maturational differences.
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Carden strives to teach the child to have a positive self concept. We cultivate independence and self reliance. We encourage achievements as well as a willingness to try. A child’s experience at Carden Kids Academy Preschool is seen as a suppliment to rather than a replacement for the family. We provide a warm and caring atmosphere which fosters within the child a sense of security, self confidence, and individual worth.