Preschool in Charlotte, NC 28262
University Child Development Center (UCDC) is a family owned and operated business, providing high-quality childcare since 1988. We operate three childcare centers in the Charlotte, NC area.
We provide an environment for children to be comfortable, stimulated, and happy as they discover and follow their paths to knowledge, understanding, and maturity. Our role is to offer encouragement and guidance as the children learn and grow.
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Specifically, our curriculum is designed to help each child develop the following skills and talents:
Ability to make choices and decisions about what to do and how to do it, using his or her own time and energy effectively.
Self-discipline and ability to identify, pursue, and complete goals and tasks with originality and responsibility.
Ability to work with other children and adults in group planning, cooperative efforts, and with shared leadership.
Knowledge of objects, skill in the arts, and comfort with physical movement.
Ability to exercise thoughts, ideas and feelings, to speak about, dramatize, and graphically represent experiences in order to communicate with others.
Ability to comprehend others spoken, written, dramatic, and graphic representations.
Ability to apply reasoning to a wide range of situations, using a variety of materials.
Creativity, initiative, spirit of inquiry, and openness to knowledge and the viewpoints of others.