Preschool in Charlottesville, VA 22901
Happitime Preschool provides happy playtime experiences that will develop the social, physical, and mental skills of three, four and five year olds. The “hands on” developmental approach to skill learning is the program basis. This means that children learn best by experiencing creative activities with materials and objects. We provide “hands on” activities with colors, shapes, letters, numerals, nature objects, primary science experiments, music instruments, scissor-crayon use, sewing, puzzles, pretend play with costumes and puppets, and equipment for physical coordination. Good health habits and proper nutrition are taught and encouraged. Simple behavior guidelines are used as the children are encouraged to practice self-discipline.
Because each child develops at his/her own special rate, we do not expect to achieve certain minimum skill levels. Our program of activities should help each child develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. By encouraging creativity and self-expression, our preschool program will help each child develop a positive self-image.
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