Preschool in Chicago, IL 60644
4647 W Washington Blvd
Chicago, IL 60644
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Our mission is to aid the development of the holistic person by providing supportive services designed to enhance the physical, mental, spiritual, nutritional, social and educational well-being of families. The services provided will improve the quality of life in the community and promote healthier and happier individuals.
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The primary objective of the program is to provide a learning environment that supports
children and families. The family is the first and most significant influence of the growth
and development of the child. We view our role as partners with you in supporting the
growth and learning process of your child from home to school.
Home of Life Just For You and HLCDC Development II are committed to providing
the very best in Infant / Toddler preschool/school age education. We have chosen to utilize
the High Scope Curriculum in assisting us in meeting the needs of the individual
Infant / Toddler/preschooler special abilities, interest, and experiences on their
developmental level. The High Scope curriculum will allow us to see your child as
individual and plan activities to assist and foster their learning. The caregiver and the
teachers will further and plan activities to assist and foster their learning. The caregiver
and the teachers will further enhance your childs knowledge by interacting with the child
in such a way that the childs thinking skills and abilities will be challenged as well as
extended. In addition to weekly observations, annual screening, observational
assessments, collection of childs work, parents conferences and home visits. Our goal
is to give each individual childs a sound appropriate education.
The High Scope Curriculum adheres to the total child approach. The curriculum is
based on the childs development ideas of Jean Piaget, and observing studies of
traditional nursery schools. The curriculum is structured to support childrens
development by offering children opportunities, within a daily routine, that encourage
work and play independently, making choices, pursuing interests and problem solving.
At Home of Life Just For You & HLCDC Development II, we view the children as
active learners who learn best from activities they plan and carry out themselves.
The preschoolers daily routine is focus around: Plan-Do-Review
The children plan what they are going to work with and/or do during self-selected activity
time. The children than carry out their plans. The children come together in their
individual teacher group and talk about what they did doing planning time. The teacher
than follow-up on the activities the children have been engaged in by recalling what they
did during work time. The children come together for choosing between 2 small group
activities. Following by large group outdoor time and ending their morning with circle
and story telling. The afternoons are filled with exciting activities such as music rhyme,
finger plays and singing, creative art and etc. You will learn more about why we are
excited about using the High Scope curriculum as time goes on. Through taking part in
your childs classroom, daily lesson plan, parent meeting, and through volunteering
The High/Scope key experiences is used as a guide for helping the teachers to provide
developmentally appropriate learning experiences and assess the childrens
developmental progress.