Preschool in Chicago, IL 60614
1753 N Fern Ct
Chicago, IL 60614
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The philosophy of LPCNS begins with our view of the child. We see children as powerful co-constructors in their own development across all domains. We see children as explorers filled with wonder, who are capable of deep cognitive exploration. at school, we place special emphasis on social and emotional development, early language and literacy, math and science, and physical development.
It is our belief that children must feel comfortable with themselves and the learning environment before further learning can take place. With that in mind, children must first learn that school is a safe place, with nurturing teachers who help them identify, communicate, and regulate their own emotions.
Our preschool program is structured around developmentally appropriate learning experiences. These learning experiences help form the curriculum and are based on teachers knowledge of child development and educational theory that proves that children learn best through play. Play is the natural work of the young child. Through play, a child can become self-reliant; develop a positive self-image; acquire small and gross motor skills; and engage in language, science and math experiences. By providing activities such as block-building, sociodramatic play and art, we encourage the child to interact with his or her peers, working out problems along the way. Play also promotes creativity and innovative thinking. The teachers play a significant role in the effectiveness of our program. Using their skills and ingenuity to know when to intercede, they capitalize on learning experiences. By doing so, they foster the development of the childs autonomy, helping the child improve his or her reasoning.
Our philosophy is supported by the teaching of two eminent psychologists, Jean Piaget and L.S. Vygotsky. Piagetian thinking holds that the childs interaction with his environment is paramount to learning, emphasizing the importance of the childs autonomy in the mastery of the environment. Vygotsky goes further to suggest that the motivation for learning comes out of the social relationship between the child and the adult and between the children as well. Vygotskian theory also highlights the importance of language and its connection to furthering the cognitive development of the child, instructing educators in the kinds of questions and comments that help children reach their next level of understanding.