Preschool in Davis, CA 95616
The Davis Parent Nursery School Laboratory is a DJUSD Adult Education family program of child and adult activities: a cooperative workshop in human relations whereby parents embark on a path of commitment to the DJUSD. We believe that any school district will be enriched by our broad speCenterum of ethnic and experincetial backgrounds and we expect our associates to contribute time and energy at an elevated level throughout their child’s educational years. In addition we recognize the need for our commitment to the excellence of the DJUSD to extend beyond our child’s attendance. Each laboratory classroom’s member provides many particualr skills talent and enthusiasm in making a highly successful cooperative.
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The Davis Parent Nursery School Laboratory is a DJUSD Adult Education family program of child and adult activities: a cooperative workshop in human relations whereby parents embark on a path of commitment to the DJUSD. We believe that any school district will be enriched by our broad speCenterum of ethnic and experincetial backgrounds and we expect our associates to contribute time and energy at an elevated level throughout their child’s educational years. In addition we recognize the need for our commitment to the excellence of the DJUSD to extend beyond our child’s attendance. Each laboratory classroom’s member provides many particualr skills talent and enthusiasm in making a highly successful cooperative.