Preschool in Davis, CA 95616
Our goal is to create a center or think tank for the integration of education and wellness for children and their families. Our premise is that an education center should balance all of the elements- physical nutritional social academic and creative- which children need to develop into healthy adults able to meet the challenges of life in the twenty-first century. Our premise is based on a concern that at present schools have narrowed rather than broadened their focus using nineteenth century factory models of education in a world where much more is possible. We believe that a partnership between educators and health professionals can combine current scientific knowledge of brain and body development nutrition and environmental awareness with humanistic educational traditions reworked in light of twenty-first century needs and opportunities.
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These days concerns about academic success are everywhere. Public policy links teachers salaries and schools well being to test scores and college admission is ever more competitive. Even parents of young children cant help but wonder: am I doing the most that I can to prepare my child for school and for success in life? My first impulse is to encourage Peregrine parents to relax. Having seen many populations of children over the past 40 years I can say definitively that the Peregrine students are extremely intelligent and confident. They are deeply cared for at home where parents spend a lot of time communicating with them (a key to success) reading to them and taking them to enriching events. Many have travel opportunities. Most are protected from too much media and from media which is not age appropriate and can make them afraid. Most eat extremely healthy foods and have balanced lives with rest and exercise built in. Many have ongoing and enriching experiences with grandparents and other extended family members. In short these are lucky kids.