Preschool in Delavan, WI 53115
The mission of Our Redeemer Lutheran Child Care Center is to offer Christ as the central focus in the life of every child, so that every facet of their day relates to Christ and His purpose for them.
We seek to provide for their physical, social, emo-tional, cognitive, and spiritual needs, and to provide the foundation of a Christ centered education.
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The teacher/caregiver is as a God-appointed
guardian while the child is in his/her care. This implies that the child is to obey and respect his/her teacher(s) the same as he/she would his own parents. As with our heavenly
Father, guidance and direction takes many forms and is
always done with loving and thoughtful consideration for the individual.
Realizing that other people have feelings, ones that may be different than their own, is a difficult but important concept. Children need to learn to understand the problems that occur and work towards solving their own conflicts. Adults can assist the child in various ways, depending upon the age of the child and the way he relates to other children.
The teacher/caregiver manages behavior by
controlling the environment. The controls will be positive and helpful. The teacher(s) will model desired behavior for children who are attempting to develop independence and self control. Controls vary with the age of the child, from
removing an object from sight with an infant, to distraction or substitution for older toddlers. Adding verbal decisions
or safely rules is appropriate for older children.
To increase the staffs skills in positive guidance, they are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars and conferences that deal with positive guidance and discipline. Staff meetings may also be used to discuss guidance and discipline strategies.
Any teacher who punishes children in a manner
prohibited by licensing rules or center policy
will be dismissed immediately.