Preschool in Delray Beach, FL 33444
This mission is to accomplish a Christ-centered educational setting for the children of Trinitys congregation and for the churched and un-churched children of the surrounding communities without distinction to race gender socio-economic status or religious creed.
Our aim is to provide an education:
that is in accord with the Old and New Testaments which we call the Holy Scriptures and believe to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God the only rule of faith and practice;
that possesses academic excellence spiritual depth and moral integrity and enables the whole child to develop in a nurturing environment;
that trains students in the knowledge of and commitment to the Holy Scriptures as evidenced in word and deed and enables them to share the Good News with others;
that prepares pupils for godly participation in our society and world.
Trinity Lutheran School is a co-educational Christian Day School that encompasses three year olds through grade eight. It is operated as a non-profit church-sponsored educational ministry of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Delray Beach Florida and is governed by the Christian Day School Board whose members are elected by Trinity congregation.
Trinity Lutheran School acknowledges the trust placed in the school by its families. Trinity holds in high regard the privilege it has been given of ministering to these families and assisting them in the Christian training and nurturing of their children.
The goal of the school is then to lead each student to develop a strong relationship with his/her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; to develop each students God-given spiritual physical mental social and artistic gifts to his/her fullest potential; to help each student apply the wisdom of Holy Scriptures to all of life and living; to participate in the expansion of Gods kingdom; to exercise godly dominion over Gods creation and thereby glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Additional Services: Full Day Half Day
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