Preschool in Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
To offer pre-kindergarten children a nurturing and educational setting that enables them to grow confidently in their physical, emotional, social, and academic development through structured, age appropriate activities that enhances school readiness. To provide families an accommodating and supportive atmosphere and to prepare them in making a smooth transition, with their child, into the academic world.
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Laker Prep Preschool will use a combination of Creative Curriculum, along with MN Early
Childhood standards, and is not affiliated with any religious or political views. The curriculum
will include opportunities for students to grow academically, socially, emotionally, and
physically. Students will receive daily lessons in early literacy and math skills, along with units
covering social studies, science, and art topics appropriate for pre-kindergarten students.
This growth will be delivered and practiced in diverse large and small groups, along with
individual work time.
Families are welcome to review the curriculum program plan followed at Laker Prep
Preschool, at any time.
Family Conferences will be held twice per year, or upon request from teacher or family. At
this time, record of students growth will be shared through progress report, and student
assessment and work samples, where applicable.