Preschool in Durham, NC 27713
The New Life Child Development Center provides a safe, stable environment where children can learn, explore, create and play with the supervision of trained childcare workers who are qualified by the State of North Carolina Health and Social Services.
Prepare an environment for a child to learn through active exploration with adults, other children, and materials. Learning activities that are appropriate to a child’s developmental level. The complexity and challenge of an activity is increased as the child develops understanding and skills.
Our goal is to help children develop positive self-images while growing spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually in a positive direction.
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The New Life Child Development Center’s philosophy is to care for your children in a healthy and loving environment. Our program is designed to fortify developmental needs of each child. It strives to contribute to the growth and development of the children in order that they may become confident, self-sufficient, and self-disciplined. The program and environment helps the child to form important positive attitudes towards themselves, the people around and in the world in which they live. In addition, it enhances an awareness of worth and understanding of one’s self through a balance of self and teacher directed activities.
The skills taught and learned supports a flexible program that enables each child to acquire basic developmental skills in every aspect of their life such as physical, motor, social and cognitive, language, emotional, creativity, communication and values. The goal of New Life Child Development Center is to provide an atmosphere of trust and support in which an individual (child or adult is accepted for who she/he is, and can grow, develop, and learn with other caring adults and children. We encourage all parents to participate actively in the life of the program by accompanying us on field trips, sharing their talents and participating in special activities.
We are a licensed Christian child development center with a highly qualified staff providing care for children from birth to 4 years of age. Our goal is not to force a religion but to teach basic Christian morals and values such as loving one another, giving, caring, and sharing, just to name a few. We do want you to always remember, we are committed to serving you with the best Child Care possible.