Preschool in Elkhart, IN 46514
Daycare -
Daycare is available for children ages 1 to 5. Call the HCCM office at 266-7427 for more information.
Preschool -
Preschool classes are available for ages 3-5. Children must be 3 or 4 by August 1st. For more information call the HCCM office at 266-7427.
All families who are enrolled in advance are invited to a “Get Acquainted Night” in August. Parents will receive important information about our program and children will have a chance to meet their teachers and classmates. All preschool families should have received a letter informing them of the date and time they should attend.
Latch Key Program -
Our latch-key program is for 1st through 3rd grade children. We provide quality care in a loving Christian atmosphere for children before and after school and any days that they are not in school. Care includes a snack after school supervised homework time and fun activities. Elkhart Community Schools will provide transportation from Eastwood Elementary School. Enrollment is limited with an enrollment fee of $40.00. To reserve a space for your child call the HCCM office. Fees are $45 per week for attending a.m. and p.m. and $35 per week for attending either a.m. or p.m. only. Fees will be adjusted when children stay the full day.
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