Tater Tots Christian Preschool

Preschool in Fairfield, CA 94533

2605 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
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A Few of the Goals We Have for Your Preschooler

1} Prepare them for Kindergarten

2} Helping, sharing and caring for others

3} Help them develop positive self-esteem

4} Develop social skills, as well as communication skills for solving problems peaceably

5} Develop the ability to work and cooperate in small and large groups. Understand and respect the property of others
6} Increase their capacity to think, reason, question, and experiment

7} Develop language and early literacy skills

8} Build early writing skills. This includes letter recognition, letter-sound matching, ideas of printing

9} Build oral and listening skills

10} Develop familiarity with numbers and mathematical reasoning skills

11} Develop awareness and appreciation of art, music, poems and books. Experience the artistic process

12} Increase participation in play, singing, creative experiences, rhythmic activities and dramatic play

13} Develop large and small mUSCle coordination, and activities designed to foster good habits of health and safety. This includes activities geared toward building strong mUSCles and coordination

Licenses & Accreditations:
California Department of Social Services: Community Care Licensing Division

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...

The Tater Tots Preschool Program is built upon both teacher- and child-initiated activities that are developmentally appropriate and designed to meet the needs of the whole child: spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, creatively and cognitively.
In addition to the beliefs which shape the care we give, we are guided by seven philosophies in educating your Preschooler. Our goals in education are:

1} To foster joy and love in the child’s heart for learning and school.

2} To recognize play as our main device in teaching our children, because it is an essential part of growth and expression.

3} To recognize each child as an individual and encourage cooperation and sharing.

4} To encourage problem solving and patience through independent thinking.

5} To encourage love and respect for all God’s creations.

6} To encourage the self-esteem needed to grow in confidence and wisdom.

7} To work in partnership with the child’s parents to promote the growth and development of the child.


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