Preschool in Frederick, MD 21702
1776 Ditto Avenue Fort Detrick
Frederick, MD 21702
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The Fort Detrick Child Development Center (CDC) accepts children ages six weeks to kindergarten ages. Active duty, DOD civilians and contract employees at Fort Detrick are eligible sponsors for this program. The CDC program enhances the development of children socially, emotionally, intellectually, creatively and physically. The staff develops an atmosphere in which program assistants and children work together to make children’s time away from home happier and more secure.
Fort Detrick CDC is nationally accredited through the
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAYEC) External Link: Leaving Fort Detrick Website.
Tour the CDC Classrooms:
Tigers Room, Pooh Bears Room, Monkey Room, Lions Room, Gorillas Room, Elephants Room
Want more information?
Center-Based Child Care