Preschool in Frederick, MD 21703
In our public schools, the early childhood grades are pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and grades one and two. All schools have full-day kindergarten. Pre-kindergartens are available in over half of our elementary schools for a limited number of students.
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A Special Time: In this period, children are building foundational skills and gaining deeper understanding about concepts. These early years include the important transition to school and the first years of formal education, when becoming independent, following rules and routines, sharing and cooperating are important skills to be learned. This is a very special time for our youngest boys and girls.
Enriching: Children in the early grades receive instruction in all curricular areas, including language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Once kindergarten begins children have physical education, art and music classes. They are also developing lifelong learner dispositions that will go with them throughout their lives: curiosity, creativity, cognition and self direction. Most importantly, teachers encourage children to be engaged, joyful learners through motivating and enriching curriculum.
Hands-On Learning: A quality early childhood classroom can be a noisy, busy place, with children exploring different kinds of books, working with math manipulatives, doing hands-on science and social studies, and actively communicating with one another. Teachers are busy not only teaching but assessing students for learner understanding, a process that may lead to important interventions or enriched curriculum.