Preschool in Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
625 Hillside Ave
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
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Diamante Montessori School is an AMS affiliated Montessori school located in the Glen Ellyn, Illinois area. The school was formed by two parents and an experienced Montessori teacher as a nonprofit organization and was incorporated in July, 2002.
The school was formed in order to provide parents another option for Montessori education for their children in the Glen Ellyn and surrounding communities. With minimal investigation, we quickly discovered that there was a large unfulfilled demand for quality preschool Montessori education. Our hope is that Diamante will help close that gap in our community and give parents another option for preschool education.
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Hire the best teachers and treat them exceptionally well
Provide a healthy, clean environment in which the teachers and children are happy and can grow.
Communicate, educate and gain involvment of parents
In our opinion, these three items are essential for a successful Montessori educational environment.