Preschool in Grand Rapids, MI 49503
The Laboratory Preschool is a learning environment for college students enrolled in the Child Development curriculum. These students engage in activities with the children under the supervision of highly qualified teachers in a model early childhood program.
GRCC’s Laboratory Preschool is a unique environment. We seek to engage each child’s interests and personal gifts with a weekly schedule full of language arts music and movement creative arts activities as well as challenging science and math games. The preschool classrooms are using the project approach with the children in order to investigate topics of interest more in-depth.
GRCC students in the Child Development Program will gain experience working with infants toddlers and preschoolers. As appropriate for the age group they will plan organize and implement activities in the following areas: art language arts music science math cooking games physical activities and dramatic play.
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We believe in the importance of the development of the whole child. The inter- related aspects of development we focus on are: cognitive physical emotional and social development. In our program we help the child grow in independence social skills motor skills self-esteem self-control thinking and reasoning skills motor skills and language ability. We believe that our goals will help the child develop a positive self- concept: a good feeling about himself and the world.