Preschool in Grandville, MI 49418
First Reform Church 3060 Wilson Avenue Sw
Grandville, MI 49418
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Planned units of study form the basis of our core curriculum. Units are taught not only to increase knowledge but also to demonstrate God’s power and diversity in creation. Studies of the ocean birds mammals rainforests and insects are some units which are especially enjoyed by students.
Our curriculum is expanded through the use of various math manipulative and activity appropriate worksheets. Art projects show-and-tell talking and listening story time exercises music and fingerplays complete our education focus. Each activity is carefully planned with specific goals in mind (i.e. verbal expression critical thinking fine motor coordination large muscle coordination etc.)
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We believe that children are an amazing part of God’s creation and should be given every opportunity to develop to their fullest the various gifts God has given them. Each child should consider his or her own unique significance in God’s world and have a positive mental attitude toward himself/herself and others. Maple Tree is committed to the wondrous task of introducing children to God’s world and cooperating with parents in the awesome process of growth and discovery.