Preschool in Grayslake, IL 60030
19525 W Washington St
Grayslake, IL 60030
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As you prepare to become an early childcare professional you will realize the early years are the learning years. Start off by discovering how to guide child behavior and promote child safety and nutrition. Plan activities in art, music, science, math, language, large motor, and drama in our Pre-School lab and infant Toddler Center. Put your teaching skills to the test by working as an intern in area day care centers. Once you understand the emotional, social, intellectual and physical aspects of young children you can play an important role in making a positive difference in a child’s life.
This program is designed to prepare students for a variety of careers serving children. Students will develop skills to plan and implement age-appropriate activities in one of the two operating preschool labs. These skills include developing educational activities for the preschool children in creative arts, math, science, music, and language. Instruction will focus on the positive guidance of child behavior and all aspects of their development. Internships, job shadow,s portfolio development, and other career readiness experiences are available.
In the second year of the program students will be introduced to the organizational management and operation of preschools and child care facilities through projects, observation, and self-directed activities. After meeting specified criterialuding a teacher recommendation, a second year student may be eligible to participate in the on-site internship program in our Infant / Toddler Center. This program will expand student knowledge of early childhood development through hands-on experiences, which aides in the student’s overall employability. Internships are available with local business partners.
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Our preschool program features developmentally appropriate theme-based learning in a caring atmosphere. Hands-on, sensory experiences are used to help understand concepts in pre-reading, writing skills, math skills, problem solving, and oral skills. Our art projects focus on the learning process.
To meet the individual needs of each preschool, child we structure our instruction around a small group style. Fostering self-esteem in each child begins with the caring, nurturing, and low child-to-teacher ratio that we provide. Curriculum focuses on many themes that encourage children to build on their natural curiosity about the world around them. Curiosity and teaches important life skills like cooperation, problem solving, following directions, and respect for others.