Preschool in Houston, TX 77067
Darul Arqam began operating as a full-time school in 1992. At that time the school was based in two mobile homes. The 8 member faculty taught 33 students in pre-Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Today by the Grace of God the school has developed into a full-time Pre-K to 12th grade Islamic school with a faculty of 28 teachers and a student body of 320. The two mobile homes have given way to a two-story steel and brick building that houses 17 classrooms a library science & computer labs and a prayer/assembly hall. A separate building houses an air-conditioned gymnasium that doubles as the school cafeteria.
“Preparing todays’ students for tomorrows’ challenges and the Hereafter”
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The objective of the Islamic Education Institute of Texas IEIT in establishing Darul Arqam school is to impart Islamic spiritual training “Tarbia” along with the educational tools to achieve academic excellence.
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