Preschool in Houston, TX 77070
The school has a low teacher ratio with a maximum of 25 students. Trained teacher assistants are in class to lower the student ratio and insure that your child receives the individual attention he/she needs. Montessori education aims to foster competent responsible adaptive citizens who are lifelong learners and problem solvers. NMHOC is designed to encourage a student’s academic success. We are proud of the services we offer and are confident that your child will be an addition to the several thousand who have benefited from it.
The school is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Montessori House of Children admits students of any race color gender religion and national origin to all the rights privileges programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
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Each childs individuality is encouraged following the Montessori philosophy and method while providing a loving and stimulating environment for them. We are dedicated to providing each child with a successful experience each day and foster a lifelong love of learning.