Preschool in Howell, MI 48843
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All of the programs at Heart of the Shepherd Child Development have similar educational goals value and philosophy. Children are provided many opportunities to manipulate a wide variety of materials as they work independently in groups and with their teachers. Numerous open-ended activities and explorations invite children daily to observe explore investigate and experiment. Each classroom has direct access to a large natural play yard that becomes an extension of the classroom and allows for more self-discovery and exploration.
Each day children are provided with time for free choices using a variety of materials and spaces. Some activities are teacher planned and guided but each child chooses which activity materials or space he/she wishes to use. We strive to challenge and stimulate each child at his/her own developmental level and foster a positive self-image by accepting each child as an individual. The following elements are part of our regular program for the children:
Prayer/Christian Songs/Bible Stories
Large group/story time
Gross/Large Motor Development
Outdoor play as weather permits
Easel Painting
Self-help Art
Teacher directed/planned art activity
Small group/snack time with family group
Rest time for full-day children
Program Goals:
Provide a safe healthy nurturing positive Christian environment.
Respect each childs individuality and God-given talents.
Promote the physical social emotional cognitive and spiritual development of all children.
Build relationships with families and respond to their individual needs.
Model Christ-like love and compassion