Preschool in Kalamazoo, MI 49007
606 Stuart Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
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The PreKindergarten Early Education Program is fondly known as PEEP preschool. However if you tell “PEEPers” that they go to preschool you are likely to get corrected with “No we go to PEEP!”
PEEP is a state-funded preschool program for eligible children who are or will be four years old by December 1 of the school year. Eligibility is based on need. The best way to know if your child is eligible for PEEP is to fill out the application (provided on this web site) and return it to the Early Childhood Education office.
The purpose of PEEP is kindergarten readiness. In building a launching pad for children’s school and life success PEEP uses the nationally-recognized Opening the World of Learning (OWL) curriculum. This is a comprehensive preschool curriculum that covers all areas of development and learning especially vocabulary and literacy skills.
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The goal of the prekindergarten early education program dge which provide children the experiences skills and knowledge
which result in a strong foundation for school success. Students are lassroom actively engaged in learning through a variety of classroom
activities. Instructional staff f support each child’s growth and development as individuals and as members of a group.