Preschool in Katy, TX 77449
AKA is the alternative to daycare for your child. Specifically designed for children between the ages of 4 – 12 years of age we believe that activity and fitness is a healthier and more appealing option than your average daycare facility. The kids in our care are always active and stay busy – not just spending time in front of the TV or video game all day!
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Our philosophy at AKA is to use Christian values to help improve their health coordination concentration discipline confidence and awareness so they can lead a happy healthy and productive live. At AKA children can earn their Black Belt while learning Courtesy Integrity Perseverance and Self-Control. One of the main objectives of each student is to understand that Respect is an imperative element in the achievement of their goal.
At AKA we not only have frequent field trips but also provide an active and entertaining atmosphere at our 10000 Sq Ft. Facility and 2.5 Acre outdoor play area.