Preschool in Langhorne, PA 19047
Language(s) Spoken: American Sign Language English French Korean Spanish
Part Time / Full Time: Full Time Part Time
Children Central is NOT a franchise nor are we corporate owned. We NEVER have to defer your questions or concerns to the corporate office or check with franchise policy.
We strive on a daily basis to make decisions based on common sense empathy (as we are parents ourselves) and always keeping in mind your childs well being. Moms and dads choose Children Central because of our spacious and bright classrooms ultra safe and clean environment and because they trust our teachers to keep their children happy and constantly learning new things. We sincerely love getting to know each and every parent and child who comes to our school.
When making your child care preschool kindergarten or Before/After Care decision we urge you to make a visit to Children Central. We also encourage you to visit at least two other schools to best understand the value of our school. This will enable you to see for yourself how Children Central compares quite favorably to the other schools.
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CHILDREN CENTRAL provides daily themed related activities designed to promote your childs understanding of the world around him or her through the following Learning Center:
ART & SENSORY: Exposes children to the world through all five senses while exploring their imagination and creativity with the opportunity to express their feelings through a variety of activities.
HOME LIFE LESSONS: provides a beginning understanding of organization of thoughts which leads to critical thinking.
BLOCKS: Exposes children to new vocabulary mathematical relationships problem solving and experimenting while engaging your child in a creative activity.
LANGUAGE AND LIBRARY: Emphasizes early literacy through story time finger plays poetry and puppets.
SMALL MANIPULATIVES & MATH: Increases small muscle control with eye-hand coordination while exploring the concept of math.
PLAYGROUND MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Involves whole body activities that combine rhythm large muscle coordination auditory discrimination and having fun whether indoors or outdoors.
DAILY COMMUNICATOR: At the end of each day you will be given a parent communicator that will give you a look into how successful your childs day was which will include but is not limited to: activities of interest eating patterns diaper changing schedules and comments. This very informative daily document provides observations of a caring and educational nature.