Preschool in Lanham, MD 20706
St. Matthias Apostle School is a learning community of faith and service, rooted in the values and beliefs of the Catholic Church, and dedicated to promoting educational excellence for all students.
As a school community, the parish, administration, faculty, staff, and parents work together to create a positive and supportive learning environment for our students. Student success depends on our ability to work together.
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We believe that:
Jesus is the best model for teachers and students.
Parents are the primary educators of their children.
The responsibility of educating children and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church is shared with parents, teachers, administrators, the parish, and the community.
Teachers and parents work together best when they communicate frequently in a spirit of cooperation.
Parents, teachers, administrators, and members of the school community work together to create an atmosphere in which children grow in faith and develop their God-given gifts, their self-esteem, and the ability to make responsible decisions.
The parish and school work together to meet the needs of both communities.
All decisions are made based on the best interests of the students.
Students thrive best in an environment in which their spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and cultural welfare is nurtured.
Social justice, appreciation of diversity, and concern for others are important aspects of students education.
All children can learn and succeed.
A safe, secure learning environment fosters student achievement and excellence.
A rigorous and challenging academic program promotes student growth and academic achievement.
Differentiated instruction is essential for effective learning.
The administration and faculty maintain the educational standards required by the Archdiocese of Washington and the State of Maryland.
Excellence is the result of commitment to continuous improvement and life-long learning.