Preschool in Leesburg, VA 20176
Open Door is a creative learning campus for children ages 2-6 years. We believe children learn
by exploring, so at our school, we specialize in creating hands-on learning. We provide a nontraditional
teaching environment set up in Curiosity Zones, as well as planning many learning
opportunities outside or with the community. Our teachers recognize opportunities to teach
skills in the childs natural environment and further enhance these skills with classroom
It can be difficult to weigh all the options for your childs education. With such an important
decision to be made we want you to have peace of mind with your child in our care! at Open
Door we believe in family. Our children, parents and teachers are part of that family. Our
common goal is working together to enrich the life of your child.
The Open Door Learning Center is a caring educational community founded in coordination
with The Arc of Loudoun. Open Doors mission is focused on improving preschool services
throughout Loudoun County. Its founders aimed to provide an affordable preschool, providing
best practice for students age 2-6, including typically developing children as well as those with
Autism and related disabilities. Our innovative approach, small group teaching, and reduced
teacher-to-student ratio (typically 1:5) help children of all abilities excel.
At Open Door, we believe that a hands-on, child-centered environment can encourage a
childs progress. Our campus is filled with creative learning centers that make your childs
surroundings an inviting teaching atmosphere.
Want more information?
We believe that education works best when valid research findings from the fields
of education and psychology are constantly applied in the classroom and while
exploring. Teaching practices at the school are derived primarily from applied
behavior analysis (ABA) and include positive reinforcement, direct instruction,
continuous measurement of learning, and strategic data analysis based on graphic
displays. We offer a wide range of enriching activities to meet the individual needs
of each child, focusing on building each child’s emotional, social, cognitive and
physical skills. Our various teaching methods include hands-on natural
environment teaching, traditional classroom instruction, and individualized
At Open Door, we understand that exceptional teachers and instruction is the key
to your childs success. We carefully select and train the most qualified teachers
to care for and teach your child. For our teachers, your childs education is their
passion. Their dedication to early childhood education and to your child
differentiates the Open Door experience from that of any other program.
At Open Door, a good day for our teachers include seeing a child try an activity
for the first time, hearing a toddlers first two-word question, witnessing a shy
preschooler reach out to a friend, digging with all of our students in the
community garden as we talk about where our food comes from, and having some
of our students read to us while others dress up and act out the story. Our
teachers expect children to learn, play, reach, create, and grow with us!